My first father's day without dad.
Most people have at least a couple of funny dad stories. This is my last one, from just a couple of weeks before we finally said goodbye forever.

How I found my photographic purpose in a vacant lot during quarantine.
What a couple of old abandoned delivery vans parked in a vacant lot taught me about mortality, my relationship with my father, and the purpose of my photography.

How visualization can improve your travel photography.
Do you want to capture a great looking ‘spontaneous’ photograph? Try planning it in advance.

The world is better with people in it (coronavirus diary, part 5)
Emerging from over two months of lockdown, the island nation of Malta stretches its legs and slowly begins to swing back to life. While sitting in a newly opened bistro table watching the sun go down, this introvert reflects on walking through the empty streets of Malta's capital and concludes that it is people that make a city.

Quarantine and airshows (coronavirus diary, part 1)
As I sit next to my son on a nearly empty Easyjet flight to Malta, faced with a mandatory 14-day quarantine as soon as we land, my mind is on fighter planes and other things that haven't happened yet.

Is there time for a frivolous travel blog in the middle of a global crisis? (coronavirus diary, part 4)
As the world around me crumbles, I contemplate whether this is the time to be working on a travel photography blog written during benevolent exile on a cruisey little Mediterranean island.

The view from quarantine (coronavirus diary, part 3)
Sometimes it feels like life is a process of moving from one bubble to the next bubble. Today, for the first time in two weeks, we stepped outside into the fresh air and walked down the streets of a city which, up until now, we have only known from the sliver of an ocean view outside our apartment window.

How to pack for the apocalypse (coronavirus diary, part 2)
I get stressed out packing for a weekend vacation. How do I chose what to pack when I know it may be months before I'm able to return home?

The architecture and landmarks of Berlin - a visual notebook
To visit modern-day Berlin is to be immediately confronted by the visual evidence of a persistent question: ‘how do you acknowledge and learn from the past while at the same time planning and building for the future?

Looking Back - The Cinematography of Raise the Red Lantern
Taking a look back at Zhang Yimou's exploration of female oppression in this exquisitely beautiful and extremely claustrophobic classic.

Looking Back - The Cinematography of 'Searching for Bobby Fischer'
Though somewhat overlooked when it originally came out in 1993, "Searching for Bobby Fischer" is a hidden gem of a film featuring stunning cinematography by Conrad Hall

Looking Back - The Cinematography of ‘Three Colours: Blue’
Three Colours: Blue tells the story of a woman coping with the tragic loss of her husband - a rich and famous composer - and her daughter in a terrible car accident that takes place on a remote stretch of country road.

Looking Back - The Cinematography of The Shawshank Redemption
This week we revisited one of last century’s most widely enjoyed classics and took a closer look at the elegantly simple cinematography of Roger Deakins.

It's All About the Light - An Icelandic Road Trip
A10 day photographic journey through Iceland's icy northern landscapes under a sky caught in perpetual dusk.

Looking Back - The Cinematography of Seven
Revisiting the original visceral crime thriller launched the look of a thousand CSIs.